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Basics of EndNote Online

EndNote is a citation management software program that is free to students through IU Ware. This program allows users to import citations from numerous literature databases into one location. Users can then edit citations, add notes, import full text documents, and ultimately, use the program to format citations for articles, papers, grant proposals, etc.

Learning Objectives:

  • Add references to EndNote libraries manually and by importing from a variety of databases.
  • Add full text to article references.
  • Format references in various styles.
  • Insert references into documents and remove them safely.
  • Share and transport libraries safely.

All library classes will be streamed live via Zoom, https://iu.zoom.us/j/98587477406. If there are no attendees online, classes will be cancelled 15 minutes after the scheduled start time.

If you are interested in attending a class, but the time does not fit your schedule, please feel free to contact your library liaison for a one-on-one session.

Accommodations:  If you require accommodations, please send an email to medlref@iu.edu with the title and date of the class and the accommodations needed.  We will make every effort to assist you in the amount of time given.

Related LibGuide: EndNote by Rick Ralston

Friday, January 31, 2025
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Online via Zoom
  Basics of Endnote     On HomePage  
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Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Cecelia Vetter
Rick Ralston

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